Visiting the UK: a First International Family Trip

Episode 21 January 06, 2024 00:28:53
Visiting the UK: a First International Family Trip
2TravelDads Podcast
Visiting the UK: a First International Family Trip

Jan 06 2024 | 00:28:53


Hosted By

Rob Taylor Chris Taylor

Show Notes

International family travel is quite different than traveling solo as an adult. See what you can do to make planning and executing an international trip with kids easier and something everyone will remember for all the right reasons. (podcast episode focusing on UK travel)

Not everyone grows up traveling the world. I certainly didn't, and I think it's safe to say that most of us living in the USA didn't get to venture from North America until we became adults. That's rapidly changing with our generation (gens X and Y) and we're making sure our kids have a viewpoint beyond America.

In this podcast episode we've got our friend Kate back with us. She's been a guest before, including talking about travel anxiety and how to manage that. This time we're chatting about how her family's first international trip together went. After spending two weeks in England, Scotland and a quick stop in Amsterdam, it's already clear that having an adventure across the pond has made an impression on the whole family and has changed the course of their future travels. 

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:04] Speaker A: Welcome to two Travel Dads podcast. Here we share our favorite destinations, travel tips, stories from our adventures, and tips for saving money. Be sure to subscribe and check out our detailed show [email protected]. Podcast episodes. [00:00:22] Speaker B: And take two. Hey, it's Rob, and this is two travel Dads podcast, and we are going to give this another had. So I've got my good friend Kate with me here. We've recorded a couple podcast episodes together, and we are tackling this one more time because we just started and we got through some wonderful dialogue, sharing some intimate moments of life when I realized that it was not recording us. [00:00:49] Speaker C: Mean, you know, it happens. Technical difficulties. [00:00:53] Speaker B: It's my middle name. Good times. Anyways, so, yeah. So, Kate, welcome back. [00:00:57] Speaker C: Thanks. [00:00:58] Speaker B: It's lovely to have you. [00:00:59] Speaker C: It's lovely to be here. [00:01:00] Speaker B: So we've recorded several episodes together. We've talked about joy and kind of the pursuit of that in our own lives, and we've talked about my skills and how I do travel planning, and we talked about her own travel anxiety. She really opened up and was vulnerable about, gosh, this is what it's like to, when you don't travel every day. This is what runs through your head and these are all that stuff. [00:01:26] Speaker C: Yeah. My crippling travel anxiety. [00:01:28] Speaker B: Yeah, but it was not crippling because you made it. [00:01:32] Speaker C: Yes. Well, my travel anxiety is a nice vacation from my regular anxiety, for sure. [00:01:36] Speaker B: Exactly. It's a different brand. [00:01:37] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:01:40] Speaker B: Just as a recap, just in case anybody hasn't listened to the one that we did about travel anxiety, what is it that makes you anxious when you think about travel and planning something huge? [00:01:51] Speaker C: I think it's the overwhelming hugeness, for sure. I think that's a big part of it. And I think it's the fear of the unknown as well. I don't know what to expect. I don't know exactly where I'm going. I'm not sure what it'll be like once I get there. And I'm a person, my anxiety makes me very type a, and I need to be prepared for anything and everything that will and could happen. So that feels very heavy. So I carry all of that, and then it just kind of whirlwinds into a nice panic, a nice deep panic. [00:02:26] Speaker B: So thinking about all that, so the trip that you just did one day, you're like, hey, we're going to go to Europe. And you booked it. So you just did the UK and Scotland and then had a little time in Amsterdam with that, thinking about your anxiety. And kind of the things that could have gone wrong. Do you feel like anything that you had presupposed in your mind came to fruition as far as things not working out the way you wanted? [00:02:54] Speaker C: No. And I think that once I had planned, well, I shouldn't say no. I think all of the things that I was worried about that would happen happened before we left. [00:03:08] Speaker B: Like what? [00:03:09] Speaker C: So our flights got rearranged, and we got notifications that our flights were at different times. Initially, our layover in Amsterdam was about 90 minutes. Then they were like, yeah, your layover in Amsterdam is going to be about 30 minutes. And so then we started to freak out, because the more research I did on Shippel airport in Amsterdam, the more I realized it's huge. And it is not easy to get from one gate to the next in 30 minutes. [00:03:37] Speaker B: And that's if you're plane intimidating customs area. [00:03:40] Speaker C: It's bananas, even though it's really well organized. Just FYI, to everyone that ever flies in shippel, it's a lovely airport. It was much nicer than I ever expected it to be, and it was really well organized. However, it's just large size wise, and if anybody who's ever tried to get to a connecting flight in a short amount of time, the image from the mcallisters running through the airport to catch their plane goes through everybody's head. Right? So I think that those were the things I was most worried about. And then we ended up having to deal with them before we ever left. So really just regular life stuff. And what ended up happening is my husband called the airline and said they had changed our layover again. This time, it was not going to be 30 minutes. It was going to be 8 hours overnight. And at that point, we were like, okay, well, now we have to pay for a hotel. I don't want to sleep in the lobby of the airport or whatever. [00:04:39] Speaker B: Not my favorite way to travel. [00:04:41] Speaker C: So my husband ended up calling the airline and talking to them there and saying, hey, listen, can you just push our flight back a full day? We'll have two nights in Amsterdam and a day in Amsterdam. And then we got to actually visit Amsterdam. So ultimately, making that choice got us another day in another country. It was fabulous. Love Amsterdam. It was cold, but it was gorgeous, and it ended up working out. But a lot of the things that I freak out about, by the time the trip rolled around, it wasn't an issue like packing. I was freaking out, oh, my gosh, are we going to fit everything? But by the time I get to the airport. Everything's packed. It's done. [00:05:16] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:05:16] Speaker C: And I figured it out. [00:05:17] Speaker B: Well, one of the things that you were doing that impressed me or surprised me or disgusted me, I wasn't sure was how far in advance you were packing and kind of doing test runs for packing and stuff. And do you think that that made it so that you guys were. [00:05:33] Speaker C: Yes. [00:05:34] Speaker B: And because you're doing the UK in the winter. [00:05:36] Speaker C: Yeah. Well, and here's the really interesting thing. We did the UK in the winter, and we only had. I ordered large backpacks from Amazon that are know carry on size, and my boys are big enough to carry their own luggage, so that was really helpful. So everybody got their own backpack. And then my kids actually had stuff that they brought that they didn't wear. So we overpacked. We were good to go, and we brought, layers were gone for, like, two weeks, 14 days. Yeah. [00:06:10] Speaker B: And you didn't wear everything. [00:06:11] Speaker C: But my kids did. I wore everything because I pack. Very intelligent, my kids. There were things that they packed that were like their nice outfits to go out to dinner or whatever that they never wore because my kids are like, oh, it's a g. And I've done packing stuff. Yeah. So it ended up being fine. And we had laundry on the premises in both London and in Scotland, which was a huge, obvious help. So we did our washing and stuff, but it ended up being fine. Packing is definitely a point of anxiety as far as planning goes. For me, that is one of my biggest planning feelings. [00:06:50] Speaker B: And kind of like, prepacking seemed to have been a bit of a therapy. [00:06:54] Speaker C: Yeah. And I always think I'm going to forget something that I really need, which inevitably, you do forget something that you really need. But, I mean, unless you're going to a third world country, usually you can get nail clippers. So it's not the end of the world if you forget your third pair of socks or whatever. And I think I kind of resolved myself to that. I did go through the bags, like, several times before we left and repacked, but I think that planning was really key. Anybody that struggles with travel anxiety, with anxiety as a whole, I guess I think that just organization tends to help and make you feel like you have a little bit of control, because a lot of my anxiety in every case comes from lack of control. [00:07:42] Speaker B: It's funny. So Kelly and I recorded a podcast episode about our road trip through Arizona, which you can listen to on the podcast station. And one of the things that we talked about was how I tend to plan everything really hardcore, down to the we need to leave by this time so that we can do this hike, and this hike is going to take this long. And one of the things she said is that that if you are a nervous traveler, is key to really actually making sure that you feel safe. And that was the word that she used, was that it gives you a feeling of safety when you know that you will be here at this time. [00:08:18] Speaker C: I 100% agree with that. And look at how it threw you when your plans went awry. When you were away and I was away and we were 10 hours apart in our time zones, and I get a text from you and I'm like, good grief, what time is it there? And it was just. I completely understand your travel anxiety now, but, I mean, I think that for people that really want to know what's going on and need that to feel safe, and I think that's a great word. I think that's really a big part of that, is just having everything set and honestly, and this is going to make everybody jealous. We didn't have one speck of rain. It did not rain. We were in Europe for 14 days in the rainy season. [00:09:03] Speaker B: I can't even believe that. [00:09:04] Speaker C: In the rainiest countries. And it did not rain. And so we were really lucky. We packed for rain. I had raincoats, but they doubled as winter jackets. We did have to buy my son a new winter jacket whilst we were in the matches. [00:09:18] Speaker B: Shoes? [00:09:19] Speaker C: No, because he decided to be a dramatic teenager and was tired of walking. When we were in London, we were walking up to Abbey Road and dragged the side of his body along a wall that was being freshly painted by a nice older gentleman that my son then ruined his. And I just looked at him, I was like, oh, my gosh, are you serious? But I was like, just keep walking. We're going from Portobella Road to Abbey Road. It's a long walk. I'm like, just keep walking. So that we ended up, when we got to Scotland, we bought him a new coat. But good times. Yeah. I think that there's always going to be things that happen that you can't plan for, but I think being as prepared as you can for, like, I like the idea of expect the worst and hope for the best. I think I do a lot of my life that way. [00:10:13] Speaker B: I like to say low expectations, high hopes. [00:10:16] Speaker C: Yeah, I mean, same idea. So I think that that is. And I have a husband who is. He claims he doesn't have travel anxiety. He has a different kind of travel anxiety. His is more about, like, where are we going to park and how am I going to drive this car on the other side of the road? And stuff like that, which he did great. By day two he was fine. But his is stuff that you can't play. Like, he worries about things that he would never be able to figure out ahead of time. But then, of course, all of this I did. So he was just like, all right, easy breezy. Yeah, I'll just show up with my bag and whatever. [00:10:56] Speaker B: Well, so since we are talking about Brian, let's talk about what everybody enjoyed and then we'll get to what you enjoyed. [00:11:02] Speaker C: Okay. [00:11:02] Speaker B: This was new experience for all of you know. I talked to Brian before you guys went. What was your impression of how he enjoyed the trip? Was it literally just easy breezy? Here I am. Was there something that stood out? And he was like, yes. This is exactly why I wanted to do this trip with my family. [00:11:24] Speaker C: I think the thing for him, and I don't know if he would say this, but I would say this, we. [00:11:29] Speaker B: Can have him on too. [00:11:30] Speaker C: I mean, he definitely came home and was like, okay, when are we moving to Europe? Because like would get on the interwebs and start looking for a house or whatever. [00:11:41] Speaker B: Going to Europe is really eye opening because then you see what it's actually like in the United States. [00:11:46] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:11:47] Speaker B: And how the other we are actually not as remarkable as everybody here likes to think. [00:11:53] Speaker C: Yeah. I'm going to say this, ladies, our public restroom situation is not up to par. [00:11:59] Speaker B: Oh, please, do tell us all about the restrooms because you were so excited. [00:12:03] Speaker C: Okay, everyone that's listening, my literal takeaway from Europe was like the public restroom situation, their public restrooms, if anyone is listening, that has never been to Europe, our public restrooms. I walked out of every public restroom in Europe and looked at my husband and said, oh, my gosh, we live in a third world country. I don't know what's happening in my life. We have. And for anybody that doesn't know men, I don't know what your bathrooms look like. I don't go in a lot of male bathrooms, but the stalls in a regular, like a target bathroom on the side of the road kind of place, rest stops, that kind of thing. Any public restroom, a female woman's bathroom is a stall that has like 3ft of clearance under the walls and door of said stall with a toilet at the back. And there is a one to two inch gap. And I think the ladies will agree it's a decent sized gap in most places where you can actually, when you're sitting on the toilet, make eye contact with the person who is looking to see if anyone is in that stall. So privacy, not really a straw. I mean, we've all had the small child stick their head under the bathroom stall. We've all had that. Okay. This is like a common occurrence in Europe. They have walls that go to the floor. They have a door, a closing, physical door that goes to the floor. It's a room. It's a private room. You have to do your business. You got to do it too. As I say, it's a special private place. It's clean, it's comfortable. They don't have the toilet seat. That's like broken at the front. Why is it not complete? What's going on with the toilet seat in the US? Why are we not doing that? [00:13:45] Speaker B: I wonder if that's why our nice lounges at airports in the US have doors go all the way to the floor. Because there are also people from other countries who have standards. [00:13:54] Speaker C: Yeah. And would probably raise a ruckus if they walked in there and they were like, what is this garbage? What are we doing? I don't know. I just really needed to talk about the toilets. For whatever reason. [00:14:07] Speaker B: I'm glad it brought you joy and happiness. And they were so passionate about public restaurant. [00:14:11] Speaker C: Frustrating. Now when I go into a target bathroom, I think the level of just cleanliness, weirdly, it was just, well, all of their public restrooms, even in the isle of sky where there are no people, it's just open mountain ranges. They have side of the road public restrooms that are nicer than most state owned public restrooms at rest stops. And I was so shocked by that. So, yeah, if you go to Europe, definitely use a public restroom. That's my PSA for the day. [00:14:46] Speaker B: There's your takeaway. Good times. So you enjoyed the restrooms. That was your highlight? [00:14:51] Speaker C: That was the highlight of my trip. No, it was not. But it was definitely something. As far as my family and my husband goes, my husband really was. I think that his biggest takeaway was that all the things that we had heard that were negative were not the. And it's the same with France. Oh, well, we'll talk about that on a different podcast. But anyway, no, I definitely think that. I think he was concerned about crime. Know, in the US, you hear, like, my gosh, everywhere else is so much worse than here. But really, that's not the case. [00:15:26] Speaker B: And Jack the Ripper was so long ago. [00:15:28] Speaker C: Yeah. Fun fact. Do you know what the top number one country for serial killers is? [00:15:35] Speaker B: Probably us it is. [00:15:36] Speaker C: And do you know what the second one is? [00:15:39] Speaker B: Us minor outlying islands, it's England. [00:15:42] Speaker C: And England has had 100. And I think somebody's going to have to fact check me on this. But I think it's like around 119 serial killers. The United States has over 3000. So good job, everybody. I don't know what we're doing, but we need to sit down and relax. [00:15:56] Speaker B: It's probably because people sit here listening to true crime podcast girls and they develop the need to do this. [00:16:03] Speaker C: Girls, it's fine. We're okay. I love true crime podcasts. Anyway, good times. And I think there's a lot of ladies out there that would agree anyway. But the one thing that we really appreciated was that it was really safe. We felt really safe walking around. It gets dark in the UK and in Amsterdam at like 330 in the afternoon in the wintertime, like the Pacific Northwest, but we walked around at like the bus depot, which in the States is like the bus was. I felt totally safe. It was totally fine. Everything was lovely. [00:16:41] Speaker B: I just remembered something I wanted to ask you about. [00:16:43] Speaker C: Okay, great. [00:16:45] Speaker B: So you are a gluten free person here in the US. [00:16:49] Speaker C: I am a gluten free. [00:16:50] Speaker B: Tell us about what you ate in the UK. [00:16:52] Speaker C: This is gonna get me destroyed in the comments, but that's okay. I can take it. [00:16:57] Speaker B: Let's destroy you. I want to hear it because this is exciting. [00:16:59] Speaker C: I have a really bad. I'm going to say gluten intolerance, right. My doctor, who didn't, I never had an official celiac test, but she's like, I think you have celiac. I digress. So I can't eat gluten. It makes me really, really sick. And when I say really, really sick, I mean like vomiting sick, right. And I get a headache and I get muscle aches and all that stuff. But vomiting for the most part. I ate gluten when I was there. I chanced it. I did it because I wasn't going to take a chance and then know decided we were staying with my friend Nikki in London and I was like, if I'm going to get sick, I'd rather get sick at her house. And just, I want to see if know. Because other people had said, oh, you can eat. We've. People have had no whatever, so. And if you're like a hardcore celiac, I feel you. I'm sorry, and I don't chance it, but the bread over there, for whatever reason, did not affect me. And when I say did not affect me, I didn't feel bloated. My stomach was fine. I didn't feel nauseous. There was nothing. I felt fantastic being. I did not. I don't really like beer. [00:18:13] Speaker B: That's okay. I was just curious. [00:18:15] Speaker C: I also feel like people are going to come for me because I just like beer. [00:18:18] Speaker B: But not everybody likes beer. [00:18:19] Speaker C: I don't really like beer. [00:18:20] Speaker B: More beer for the rest. [00:18:21] Speaker C: But also it's like, cold. I feel like beer is a hot day drink anyway. But I ate bread once I had the initial bread and I was totally fine. I ate bread like it was my dying meal. Every restaurant we went into, I was like, what's your soup of the day? Does that come with the big crusty spread that I could slather some butter on, which I also don't eat in the States. I ate everything that I don't eat here. It was the best vacation in the whole world just because of that. [00:18:49] Speaker B: It's kind of like, just like a bigger vacation from everyday reality. [00:18:53] Speaker C: Yes, it was amazing. I love bread and I miss it. But, yeah, it was an eye opening experience, I think, for my kids. The best part for me watching my kids was them experiencing a different place, different culture, kind of, sort of. And also them eating things that they don't normally eat. I have picky eaters and they're twelve and 14. Parents feel me, so they're like, I don't want to have that. But they were trying stuff. [00:19:32] Speaker B: They were beans on toast. [00:19:34] Speaker C: They did not have. Nobody ate beans on toast. [00:19:35] Speaker B: No beans on toast. [00:19:36] Speaker C: In fact, I've had several Londoners being like, no, that's not great. They ate fish and chips. They loved it. That's actually what we had for Thanksgiving dinner, was fish and chips from the. They. We ate at pubs. And they loved it. They absolutely loved it. They had such a good time. We went in Scotland, we went up to see the Cairn gorm. I cannot say that word. Reindeer. So in Cairngorm National park, at the top of this mountain, they have a herd of reindeer that you can go up and the herders will take you up and you learn about them and then you can feed them, which is pretty amazing. [00:20:18] Speaker B: Well, that's cool. I didn't know that there was reindeer in Scotland. [00:20:21] Speaker C: Yeah, so you can hand feed them and they kind of talk to you all about them and how they got there. And one guy was like, hey, there used to be reindeer here and there aren't anymore. So he brought reindeer to Scotland again. [00:20:33] Speaker B: Cool. [00:20:33] Speaker C: So it was really neat. It was a really awesome experience. I have a twelve year old that loves animals. So he was happy as a clam. [00:20:39] Speaker B: Perfect. I feel like we could do a really long podcast, but we're not going. [00:20:46] Speaker C: To go too crazy, part two. [00:20:47] Speaker B: Well, so I'm kind of curious. So clearly Brian enjoyed it, wants to move there. You enjoyed all the glutenous things. Was there anything where the kids were like, oh, this is my jam. Besides the reindeer, did they really love London? Did they love going up into Scotland? What got the boys just like jamming out on the UK? [00:21:08] Speaker C: Okay, so for my 14 year old, he loved London because there's shopping there and he really does like shopping. He likes shopping. He's very into sneakers, or trainers as they're called, and sports. And so we went and got him a pair of nikes. That was one of his Christmas presents, early Christmas presents in Covent Garden. And he was happy as clam about that. And then we ended up getting my twelve year old sneakers as well because you can't buy one thing for this kid and not the other in Soho one night. So they liked the shopping aspect. Both my kids are like me, so most of their enjoyment comes around food, which is, I'm really raising them right. So my oldest loves chinese food. And we went to Chinatown for dinner one night. [00:21:58] Speaker B: It's a cool Chinatown. [00:21:59] Speaker C: It's a really cool Chinatown. And I will say that was like another big Surprise. Everywhere we went, even if it was crowded, and London was very crowded, they had had a march there the day that we were in by Buckingham palace and then Carnaby street, the lights, and it was Black Friday weekend, so there were people everywhere. It was absolutely mad. In fact, my friend Dan kept saying, it's mad. Absolute chaos down here. And he's a Londoner, so he's like, I've never seen this before. But meanwhile, Dan's going to be like, that doesn't sound like know they. The boys loved it. And we went to Chinatown and got a table for eight right away, like in a throes of people. We just walked up and I was like, hey, do you have a table for eight? And they're like, yeah, come on, right upstairs. And even when we went to borough market, it was mobbed. I mean, when I say mobbed, wall to wall people walked. Just outside borough Market, still wall to wall people walked into a pub. Do you guys have a table for eight? They're like, yeah, just go upstairs. I'm like, apparently the upstairs places is really where it's at. [00:23:04] Speaker B: So even things like that, that would be typically stressful for me, right so breezy. [00:23:10] Speaker C: So breezy. It was like, peculiarly. It was weird. It got a little creepy. [00:23:15] Speaker B: I love that and I'm glad. [00:23:17] Speaker C: And my twelve year old loved Amsterdam the most. And that was based on Stroop waffles, of course, because they had Nutella all over them. [00:23:26] Speaker B: He's obsessed with obsessed. [00:23:29] Speaker C: So, yeah, so I think everybody really walked away loving it. Everybody walked away wanting to go back. [00:23:36] Speaker B: Has anybody said, hey, specifically, let's go back to Scotland or let's get our next trip on the books. Where is everybody at with now that, because once you open that can of international travel, you realize that it is easy, even if it is costly, it's way more easy. And it's such a different world than what we live. [00:23:59] Speaker C: Yeah, I think that that is the kind of having left that experience and had while I was there, I had no anxiety. And even, like, navigating the tube in London by ourselves and stuff, I had no anxiety. It was so easy when you go and you're like, wow, this is really not hard. This is actually easier than my regular everyday life. I think it was definitely something that. Well, the boys, now we've decided that we're going to go to Italy in 2025. [00:24:29] Speaker B: Love Italy. [00:24:30] Speaker C: And the boys were like, can we stop in London for a couple of days and then fly to Italy? And I was like, oh, maybe cheap that we flew easyJet from London to Scotland. And it was really, I think the takeaway, honestly, was like, this is not as hard as I thought it was going to be. [00:24:56] Speaker B: And one of the things that kind of gets me is that it really is. The flight is the toughest part because it's long, but people will go and they will spend an exorbitant amount on a Disney world vacation for four or five days. And for the cost of that, you can have two to three weeks in Europe and probably still not spend as much as you spend on a week long or less Disney vacation. [00:25:23] Speaker C: And in Europe, a hamburger doesn't cost $10, right. There you go. [00:25:28] Speaker B: Yeah. And that's one of the things that kind of always gets me whenever I get to leave North America is just how surprising it is that more Americans are not venturing to places like the UK or France or Italy or Croatia, where it is easy. It is not crazy expensive, and they still opt for things that are just here, which there's lots of great stuff in the USA. I'm not badmouth in the US in. [00:26:00] Speaker C: That term, but, yeah, there's plenty of places I still want to see. [00:26:04] Speaker B: Yeah. But I'm shocked how few people choose to take the plunge and have an adventure like that. [00:26:10] Speaker C: Yeah, I know. For me, I think a lot of people, it just seems unattainable. It seems like one of those things that you'll just like, oh, dream about but never get to. [00:26:20] Speaker B: And especially if you didn't grow up doing trips like that. [00:26:24] Speaker C: Yes, for sure. And I think that there are people that live in the middle of this country that don't. It's just not in their wheelhouse. It's just not something that they're necessarily thinking that. It's something you see on the travel channel and go, oh, gosh, it would be amazing to go to Venice. But you never are going to go to Venice. But why not? [00:26:43] Speaker B: I love Venice. [00:26:45] Speaker C: Well, it's got all those canals. [00:26:47] Speaker B: It's amazing. Well, that was good to kind of rehash that. And I want to talk more about your very specific itinerary on a different day. [00:26:59] Speaker C: Okay. [00:26:59] Speaker B: Because I think you guys were doing some pretty cool, interesting things, kind of outlandish. I want to hear about your castle, but don't talk about it right now. [00:27:10] Speaker C: Save it for the night. [00:27:11] Speaker B: Save it for a different day. But, yeah, no, that was wonderful. And I'm glad to hear that. Just how anxious you were, because I was able to visibly see it. And now as you talk about it. [00:27:23] Speaker C: You'Re like, yeah, I'm so breezy now. [00:27:26] Speaker B: So breezy. It was so blissful. Yeah. So that's wonderful. So definitely tune back in because we will dig into what does it take to do two weeks in the UK and go over that whole itinerary and kind of the planning for that. And then, yeah, check out the blog as well because we are going to have all kinds of info, including my own itinerary for London, because I know how I like to do London, and I think it's going to be very different from what Kate has. [00:27:54] Speaker C: I agree. Yeah. [00:27:55] Speaker B: Thanks so much for listening. Be sure to hit that subscribe button and recommend us to your friends who want to go out and explore the world and hear our stories. Because between me and Chris and Kate and Kelly and all of the different guests that we have on, we have a lot to share. So share us with your friends. Thanks so much for being here today. [00:28:15] Speaker C: Thank you. [00:28:16] Speaker B: Have a great day, everyone. [00:28:17] Speaker C: Bye bye. [00:28:19] Speaker A: Traveldads podcast is written and produced by Rob and Chris Taylor in St. Augustine, Florida. Check out past episodes in detailed show [email protected]. Slash podcast episodes. 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