Best Friend Travel: Why it’s Such a Life-affirming Experience

Episode 16 November 22, 2023 00:37:00
Best Friend Travel: Why it’s Such a Life-affirming Experience
2TravelDads Podcast
Best Friend Travel: Why it’s Such a Life-affirming Experience

Nov 22 2023 | 00:37:00


Hosted By

Rob Taylor Chris Taylor

Show Notes

It might actually be true that I travel more with my best friend than I do with my husband or kids... I can neither confirm or deny this, but I can tell you that traveling with my best friend of 20 years really is an experience I'm thankful for. Kelly B is back on the podcast chatting with me (Rob Taylor) about our friendship, our relationship as non-spousal adults, and the benefits we both gain from taking these trips together.

Yes, people think it's weird that we travel so much together, but I'll tell you this: there's something very life-affirming about having an adventure with somebody you know deeply that ISN'T your spouse and who doesn't look at you as the other parent or as someone who holds a great deal of daily responsibility in their life.

Give a listen and consider what sort of travel you can plan with somebody you're not married to. The benefits are many, and the adventures awesome.

Check out just a few of the trips my best friend and I have conquered together and you'll understand some of our stories and interactions a bit better!:

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:04] Speaker A: Welcome to two Travel Dads Podcast. Here we share our favorite destinations, travel tips, stories from our adventures, and tips for saving money. Be sure to subscribe and check out our detailed show [email protected]. Podcast Episodes hey, welcome to another episode of To Travel Dads Podcast. I'm your host, Rob, and I've got my BFF, my friend Kelly, who has joined us before for all kinds of different things. For talking about health, for talking about trains, you name it. Hello, Kelly. [00:00:41] Speaker B: Hi, everybody. [00:00:43] Speaker A: And today I think we should talk about something that is super duper important to me, and that is best friend. So I know right now Kelly and I are actually in. It's not that we're on the outs, because we're not, but we are in a stint where we haven't seen each other since August, and it's the beginning of November, and I think it's the longest we've gone without seeing each other in years. [00:01:14] Speaker B: It is. And it's the first time we've missed Thanksgiving together for I don't even know how long. [00:01:19] Speaker A: I know. It's crazy. [00:01:23] Speaker B: Yeah. I'll be at your house for Thanksgiving. [00:01:26] Speaker A: You just won't be know, but, you know, at least you get to be kind of someplace warm. At least be good. [00:01:35] Speaker B: And you guys will be in Hawaii, so that's good. [00:01:37] Speaker A: I know that's true, but. Yeah. So I thought we could talk about best friend travel today because I was thinking about it and thinking about all the different trips that we've done. First of all, do you realize that we have known each other for when 2024 hits, that will make 20 years. [00:01:55] Speaker B: 20 years. Yeah. Everything's all of a sudden 20 years in my life, everything's 20. But this starts as an adult and lasts for 20 years is pretty special. [00:02:06] Speaker A: I think so, too. [00:02:08] Speaker B: It's very special. And our whole families are family now. It started in the Little hotel, Vintage park in downtown Seattle, which was not. [00:02:19] Speaker A: A Podunk, like, backcountry hotel, unlike that accent, just like implied. [00:02:27] Speaker B: I did make it sound like that. It was a little bit more seedy is not the word. No, it was not as nice as it is now. And it was Kimpton. Kimpton's awesome. We Love Kimpton Hotels, for sure. We had a great group there that all of us are still friends. I met my husband there. You and Chris started dating at the same time. We met friends there. Yeah, it was a really cool little microcosm in the city that we had in that hotel. [00:02:58] Speaker A: It was definitely that perfect example of how when you work in close quarters with people, and you are all going through life. You all become way too involved in each other's lives with everybody there. [00:03:14] Speaker B: Yeah, it's closed quarters. It was cozy. So you have to bump up against each other. And I love that it was people from all around the whole planet and just working and trying to make a life for our families. And it was just really great. And we got some great friendships obviously out of it. And both of us found that we love to travel and talk about travel and go places together. And it is really unique and special when you find someone that you can travel with. Right? Am I right, everybody? [00:03:45] Speaker A: You're right. Am I right? Am I right? You sound like Ned Ryerson from Groundhog Day. And it's funny because I'm going into ten years with the blog going up on that 10th year. Wow. That's crazy. [00:03:58] Speaker B: Wow. [00:03:59] Speaker A: And I was thinking back to that first trip that I got invited on that you couldn't come on, and it was such a bummer. It was a cruise. Do you remember that? [00:04:12] Speaker B: Yes. [00:04:13] Speaker A: And you had the same. [00:04:15] Speaker B: Oh, I was doing my ski instructor training at. Otherwise, you know, I would have been. [00:04:22] Speaker A: Yeah. But so the thing about that, though, is I think that because you had to miss that awesome trip, it's made it so that when other opportunities come up, because then you also had to miss Puerto Rico when that happened. [00:04:34] Speaker B: I know it was Jamaica and Puerto Rico, and it's. [00:04:41] Speaker A: Um. But no, I think that's made it so that when there are really great opportunities that come for us to go places together, I love that you find ways to make it happen that you can say yes. And that makes me feel special. And we have so much fun. [00:04:56] Speaker B: We do. We really roll really well together, even though we are very different as far as how we walk through the world. You're a high speed rabbit and I'm a slow sloth. Like tortoise. Tortoise and the haircut together, I guess kind of. [00:05:13] Speaker A: It's like that. Yeah, a little bit. [00:05:15] Speaker B: All the plants and I go with the flow and it works out great. [00:05:19] Speaker A: Yeah. Well, then, talking about going with the flow, let's flow towards. Before we get into the dynamics of traveling with somebody that you are so very close and so very intimate with, but not intimate in that way, we'll talk about the dynamics of what that's like when it comes to travel, because I think it's fascinating, and I think not, too, that we are the be all, end all, but I think we're a great example of what people could have in friendships besides their spouses. And I love that about us. [00:05:56] Speaker B: I do too. I really do, too. I think there is a dynamic between people that is lost because of marriages and partners that have jealousy issues. And we are both very blessed that our husbands are great friends as well. Our kids are great friends and they know us. They know that they see us together. We're like brother and sister and have just cultivated this ability to flow together. I know we all have experiences where you're all excited to go on some trip or even just a night out with a friend and things just are rough. Like, you communicate different styles of communicating, different needs for what you need from each other. And honestly, it really is cultivated over lots of years. [00:06:47] Speaker A: Yeah. And I think that that's something that, especially in recent years when we've both been in our own stressful moments of life and being apart from each other. I think we've had a couple of those moments where we've come together and we've had some tough days in our travel and I think that's to be expected. You're in one place in life, I'm in another place in life. And sometimes we are just all happiness and rainbows and sometimes we have to really talk to each other hardcore. [00:07:22] Speaker B: Yeah. Make space around stuff. And that's. I think what we've gone to is when we can feel the friction. We're both very sensitive, too, and sensitive to each other. And we know each other well enough to know, you know what? I think we need a little break. I'm going to go here, go there, and we'll meet up in an hour or whatever. So that's been really important. And just like any relationship, even with. [00:07:45] Speaker A: Your kids, for real. [00:07:49] Speaker B: And just to give that respect of. We're having a bit of a moment here. We're not communicating the way that we typically lovingly want to with each other. So let's just make a little space around it and we'll come back together and try again. [00:08:04] Speaker A: Yeah. And I know I love when I can be eloquent and when I'm feeling frustrated or not heard or just on a different vibe than you. I really appreciate when I can step away and really think out my thoughts and be ready to speak from a place of calm and love and fun and we can get back to where we were. And I love that because there's very few people I can do that with. [00:08:40] Speaker B: Yeah. I think that we also learned because of our sensitivity to each other. I know we're tuned into the same channel a lot and so even when we're apart, I know that we had the same idea about texting. So when we were apart, when we had our little hiccup in Calgary or whatever it was. [00:08:58] Speaker A: Yeah, that's right. [00:09:00] Speaker B: We both space. We made some space. I, of course, went and took a bath. You, of course, went to the gym. And then after about an hour of separation, we texted each other like, okay, we had our space. Here's the words I wanted to say to you. And then you text. Now, don't get me wrong, texting can be a horrible way to communicate. [00:09:19] Speaker A: It really can be. [00:09:21] Speaker B: We tested the water with each other. That's one good thing about texting. If you really can take your time after cooling off, after having some time to just take some deep breaths and walk it off and think about what you want to say without the emotion, then you can write it down. And then when you write it down for each other, you can reread it and go back to it if you need to. And I feel like we handled that really well. It was just, I think probably from being literally not even an arm's length apart for a week and a half at that point. [00:09:55] Speaker A: Yeah, I think we hit our peak there at like, I think it was nine days together, just the two of us. [00:10:01] Speaker B: Yeah, I feel pretty good about it. It's okay. [00:10:04] Speaker A: Yeah. Oh, gosh. But I think that is awesome. And it made it so that we've had several trips since then and it's made it so that we can talk about things even like when. Gosh, I mean, we had that moment when this August when I was just, for whatever reason, I was feeling everything so harshly, I was like, I have to just fully step away and we got to talk about it. And then we had an amazing adventure looking for Moose and not finding any and just all that stuff. [00:10:44] Speaker B: On to the stress a little bit is your hardcore desire to see a moose that was not able fulfilled. [00:10:52] Speaker A: Oh, gosh. Well, I made it for that with my trip to Montana with Elliot, I'll tell you that. Holy cow. [00:10:58] Speaker B: Heard of moose or something, weren't you? [00:11:01] Speaker A: Yeah, we got stuck between ten moose on one hike and then we saw three more. It was insane. It was amazing. And, yeah, good times. [00:11:11] Speaker B: They're not scary. [00:11:13] Speaker A: Well, they're pretty darn powerful. A moose can kick in a weird frontward way like a soccer. If you're not. If you're not aware of what a moose can do and you aren't keeping enough distance, it can totally be dangerous. Oh, my gosh. Yeah. But that is not what we're talking about. We're talking about best friend travel. And even though Elliot is also my little best friend. But no, I was thinking with that and of all the cool places that we've gotten to go, what do you think is, besides our communication, what do you think is something that we've really been able to learn about each other or about traveling together that is so different from traveling with a spouse? [00:12:07] Speaker B: I think I can say it right away. It's a level of respect and the fact that we've both chosen to be there. You know what I mean? [00:12:19] Speaker A: Totally. [00:12:21] Speaker B: Marriage. You do what your partner wants sometimes because they're your partner and you've signed the contract, right? You've decided that we're going to give and take and sometimes it just doesn't work out that way. And there's one that just always gets his way all the time and you never still go where you want to go and. Oh no, I'm going off in a tangent anyway. No, I think that's a part of it, though, is that we consciously choose each other. [00:12:49] Speaker A: I agree. [00:12:51] Speaker B: And it's not just the partner that we've decided to go through our entire lives with, it's a friend. And so if you are the best friend, then you're making choices all the time to show each other your love and appreciation. And I see that you send me postcards when we're on the trip together and that is just. I feel so postcard after leaving you. [00:13:20] Speaker A: I do love doing that. It always makes me chuckle. Like when we're sitting there and I'm literally writing you a postcard and you're across the table. [00:13:28] Speaker B: It is. It's love. We just love each other in this non. It's not intimate, obviously, we're not married and not sexual, but there's an intimacy that is more powerful, I feel like. And as a massage therapist, it's something I cultivate on the daily with people because it's what is so moving about relationships is that deep connection where you feel a soul click. It's not just the lightness of how's the weather, it's something deeper. And that's what I've always craved. That's why I do the work I do. And you are really good at that. And it's just a sensitivity. It's a sensitivity toward each other that I think is what makes people close and being open and vulnerable enough to go there together and feel that love and just be excited, it's like electric, right? [00:14:22] Speaker A: Yeah. The other thing that I was thinking about with that and why our best friend trips are so great is because it's really nice to be able to go and have an adventure with somebody and to be seen as somebody else besides the other parent or the person who needs to take care of X, Y and Z. I feel like we don't have to be anything else when we are traveling together. We get to literally just exist and do our thing. And it is a completely different sort of experience and relief and release than when we take a family vacation or something like that. [00:15:12] Speaker B: Totally. I think normalizing friends going on trips together is a really good thing. And in all honesty, girl trips have been out there for a long time. But I don't see often guy trips, especially masculine guys, that are just a lot of them. My husband I can speak to, actually. He's a really hard worker. And that's where he gets a lot of his self worth, a lot of what he feels like. He contributes to the family. But for him and a buddy to go off on a ski day or a golf day, he's like a new guy when he gets back. He needs it. We all need that. Play with our friends. We just need to play with our. [00:15:50] Speaker A: Friends sometimes with that. So here's a question, and I think I know your answer, but I'm going to let you say it. Do you feel like when we go on our trips, which most like I would say 96% of the time, they are work trips for my job, you're there helping me, supporting me, being a part of it, even though those are work trips, do you feel like our adventures feel self indulgent or selfish or inappropriately fun? Because they are. [00:16:33] Speaker B: You just answered the question. Yes, all of it. Yes, we are indulging. We are going for it, and here's why. I was just talking to my clients, all three of them, today. I had. I said this exact thing because all three of them had talked to me about someone in their life, dear, that had just passed. I said, you know, I think when me and my friend Rob died, people are just going to be like, god, those guys are annoying. They just never stopped. And they did everything they wanted to do and had so much fun. [00:17:01] Speaker A: And that's what people are going to say about us is, thank goodness we don't have to hear about it anymore. [00:17:08] Speaker B: That too. Yeah. But I think it is something to be said. There's a poem out there that says you slide into the casket, just used up. And that's, I think, what we're headed towards. People aren't going to feel bad that we lived as hard and did as much as we possibly could and loved as much as we could and ran around the world just being happy and joyful because there's plenty of the other emotions out there. So I just think there's something to being obnoxiously joyful nowadays. It raises the vibration of everyone around us. Now, I'm not being. Not saying be disrespectful or shove your expensive fun trips in everyone's face, but I think just showing people that, hey, get out there. Do something fun is not nothing. It helps people. It supports them in doing it. So, yeah, I want to keep going. [00:18:00] Speaker A: Okay, good. Yes. No, that was perfect. That was great. I'm thinking about something that always kind of weighs heavy on me, and I know it gets you, too, is that when you and I go and we have an amazing adventure, I get home and I feel like I shouldn't talk about it too openly and frivolously because I do feel, like, this sense of guilt that my job is awesome and you and I get to go and have just these experiences that are. I mean, I'm jealous of them and I'm participating, but I feel bad about it a little bit. And so with that, I don't talk about it too openly, and so I write about it on the blog. But for you, I imagine it's something similar. Is there a trip that we have gotten to do that you have not gotten to blab about, that you want to take two minutes and just blab about real quick and just let it out? [00:19:06] Speaker B: My family, I doubt they'll listen to this because they don't pay attention to anything I put out honestly, which is fine. Yeah. They don't ask me not even one question. So I just come back and I just ply everybody with gifts, and I just go on about my life, grinning from ear to ear, knowing that in the last year especially, we had a trip planned literally every eight weeks. [00:19:31] Speaker A: It was amazing. [00:19:33] Speaker B: I'm jealous of us. I'm barfing in my mouth a little bit when I'm talking about my next trip. Oh, my God. Who do you think you are, right? I can't say no to these invites, and neither can you. And neither would people who are feeling envy. They wouldn't say no. And if they do, it's because of worthiness issues, which is a whole nother thing that we'll Talk about on my retreat to Hawai with a small group coming up in February. [00:20:02] Speaker A: Oh, hold up. I'll give you a chance to talk about that. Just be patient. [00:20:08] Speaker B: Is about worthiness, and unworthiness is an issue in our culture. [00:20:13] Speaker A: Yeah, no, so I talk about that a lot with people about Joy and the things that we do and how it brings us joy and how it's okay to actually enjoy life and to make decisions and take action to ensure that you are living your best life and that there's no shame in that. And I feel like sometimes you and I do, when we return from our luxury trip to wherever it might be, I feel like we do kind of harbor a little bit of guilt about that. And I think that we should both not do that. Let's just make that little pact. We are not going to feel guilty about having a marvelous time anymore. [00:21:02] Speaker B: And you know what is great about nature and the world? There'll always be some drama. There'll always be some drama coming around the. So just don't create it right. Don't make the. Just enjoy as much as possible because the drama will show up. That's always. You hear me to say that a lot. [00:21:20] Speaker A: Yeah, it's true. Good times. [00:21:23] Speaker B: It's healthy. [00:21:24] Speaker A: So then, here we go. Time for some questions about some of our best friend trips. And I'm going to go through them on a little timeline, and I want you to tell me what is your favorite moment or something that stands out from each of these little adventures. [00:21:44] Speaker B: Okay. This is our little bragging podcast. If anyone wants to check in on us bragging, here it is. [00:21:50] Speaker A: Yeah. Here we go. Okay, so I'm going to roll it back. First one, 2007. It wasn't just a you and me. It was after Chris and I had moved to Orange county and you and Jeff rented. Was it Leonard, the Stinky Leroy, the stinky car, and you guys came down for a visit. What was your favorite thing about that? And then I'll tell you what my favorite thing was, okay. [00:22:14] Speaker B: I just remember us all having, I think it was a Christmas dinner or something around your white Christmas tree in your tiny, cute little apartment and just being together there and just being so happy that we were all together, even though you guys were moving and it was like sealing the deal that, no, doesn't matter where you go, we're going to show up. And you guys have done it the same to us throughout the years. No matter where we go, you're the ones that show up to see us and share life with. So I think that was fun for me, is just feeling like we were setting the hook well. [00:22:47] Speaker A: So now I feel bad because you had a meaningful answer to that. And my, the thing I took away from that trip was that you introduced me to tortilla chips and hummus. [00:22:57] Speaker B: Okay, well, hey, you know, that's been life affirming more than once, especially when it's Juanita's chips. [00:23:03] Speaker A: I know. [00:23:06] Speaker B: Juanita's chips from Hood River. No. Are they from the dows? [00:23:09] Speaker A: No, they're from Hood River. No, Hood River. Good times. I miss those. Okay, so then after that it was just a whole lot of back and forth, us visiting each other, you living down in the Columbia River Gorge and me. [00:23:26] Speaker B: That on your blog for sure? [00:23:29] Speaker A: Yes, there's lots about the gorge on the blog for then, you know, going back and forth the gorge, you coming up to Sequamish, all that stuff. What do you either miss about those little travel trips that we would do or. What was your favorite? Actually, I want to share one of my favorite moments first. [00:23:47] Speaker B: Okay. [00:23:48] Speaker A: I think we were going to someplace like Appleton or something like that. And you. Oh no, actually, yes. You were like, no, it's this way. It's this way. And then we ended up going on this terrifying jackknife gravel Forest Service road down towards the Klikatat River. And it was terrifying and so much fun and such a weird little adventure. [00:24:13] Speaker B: We really don't need to go into all the times we've been lost together. Let's just skip that story. [00:24:17] Speaker A: I was also just thinking about that time that we tried to find a campsite out in Cleellum, Washington, and we ended up on another like twelve Mile gravel road in the middle of nowhere. [00:24:27] Speaker B: With three kids under five. [00:24:29] Speaker A: Yeah. Oh, that was good times. We're still alive. [00:24:35] Speaker B: We made it. We make stuff happen. That's the thing. WHen you travel a lot together, you really know each other's strengths and you. [00:24:42] Speaker A: Know that you can be lost in the wilderness and make it out alive. [00:24:46] Speaker B: We will always have beef jerky in the car and the really good gummy bears. [00:24:53] Speaker A: What's that brand of the Albany's gummy bears? [00:24:56] Speaker B: Gummy bears and beef jerky will get you through most things. [00:24:59] Speaker A: Yeah, it's true. Good times. So then, actually, let's just move on more to the trippy trip sort of things. [00:25:06] Speaker B: The trippy trip? Yeah. Well, of living in Washington together, we could drive to each other. So that's what I miss about that. But now we fly. That's fine. [00:25:13] Speaker A: Now we fly and it's, well, no, I driving there. [00:25:16] Speaker B: I do drive to Florida. You guys haven't driven up here yet, but we've driven to Florida. Now this next week will be our third time. Yes. [00:25:24] Speaker A: Good times. Okay, so I guess I'll just kind of bounce around. One of my favorite trips that you and I did was to Dor County, Wisconsin. Such a random trip. [00:25:38] Speaker B: Yes, it was. [00:25:40] Speaker A: And what was your favorite moment or best memory from that bizarre experience? [00:25:49] Speaker B: So many cheese curds. Cheese and more cheese. I really like the place we stayed. That was also pretty cool. It was like a little. Oh. The ferry boat ride in the high seas on Lake Michigan was crazy because that lake just astounds me that it's not an ocean. It looks like the ocean. [00:26:10] Speaker A: Yes. That is exactly what I was also going to pick for my favorite moment was the boat ride out to Washington Island. Oh, my gosh. With the waves coming up over the front of the boat while we sat in our car. That was a little terrifying. [00:26:27] Speaker B: Our little forest picnic. That was good, too. I like that. [00:26:30] Speaker A: Our forest picnic with the canned cocktails and fish. [00:26:36] Speaker B: Pretty sure there was cheese. Lots of cheese. [00:26:38] Speaker A: Oh, there's always cheese. There's always cheese for sure. Yeah. That was an amazing trip. How about our adventure to Lake Tahoe and Carson City in the freezing cold winter? [00:26:52] Speaker B: That was beautiful, too. That was our very first one. That was during COVID And we were scorned on that one because we were traveling when no one else was. [00:27:05] Speaker A: But the purpose of that one, though, was to show people how travel could be done safely and how to recreate outdoors and stuff. So we had purpose. [00:27:18] Speaker B: It was cute. I just love to travel. I just adore seeing new places. And you do such a good job of getting us to all the historical sites and a good hike and a good lunch usually. So we do all of those most days. I really love that huge sauna. [00:27:36] Speaker A: No, what was big? The hot springs in Carson City. [00:27:41] Speaker B: That was fun. [00:27:42] Speaker A: That was lovely. [00:27:45] Speaker B: And there's some really sweet ladies that we worked with and had dinner with. They were lovely, too. [00:27:50] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Let's see another fun trip that I am excited about because I'm going back to the Big island this week. And you're going back for the retreat that you're leading in February. We had an amazing adventure exploring the Big island together. [00:28:07] Speaker B: Yes. That was a dreamy trip. That really was really special. Remember the night we got there? Killawaya started? It had been going. That's why we wanted to plan the trip because you are so sweet and, you know, I've always had that on my bucket list is seeing a live volcano because I'm crazy. And I knew that the volcano, Mona Loa was going. So you were like, hey, want to go to Hawai? I'm like, oh, my God. So, yes, we planned it. And then in the weeks before our trip, Monaloa stopped. [00:28:40] Speaker A: And then the night and Killawaya stopped. [00:28:44] Speaker B: Yeah, started right when we got there. And that just felt really special. And we had that wonderful, peaceful night that it was full moon and we got to walk. I think it was like a mile into where we could get closest to the crater. [00:28:58] Speaker A: Yes. [00:28:59] Speaker B: We're just watching it bubble and churn and just like, you can't close your eyes, you're like, I know I'm right at death's door standing next to this active volcano, but I can't leave. I'm mesmerized. And it's so beautiful and powerful and gentle at the same time. Yes, I could go on and on. And then the walk, I don't know, it was something. I felt like we were connected somehow, walking back in the moonlight after just seeing that amazing volcano. And I think that was Also the same day we went to the Green sand beach. [00:29:32] Speaker A: Oh, the green sand beach. I'm so excited to take my family there this week. [00:29:37] Speaker B: Yes. You guys will get to see that on the crazy truck ride. [00:29:41] Speaker A: On the crazy, insane truck ride through the six foot deep truck ruts on a dirt road in the middle of nowhere. I loved it. Oh, my gosh. So excited. Oh, yeah, the kids are going to enjoy that. I think one of my favorite things from that specific trip, and we stayed at that beautiful B and B up on the hill at the Kawa Aloa plantation. That was beautiful. [00:30:10] Speaker B: He was just like a guardian angel or something. I just loved him. Remember I kept hugging him. [00:30:15] Speaker A: Yeah, but no. So my favorite thing from that trip was when we went and we snorkeled with the Manta rays. And if you could have heard yourself underwater, you were gasping and gushing and, I mean, you're supposed to sing it to the Manta Rays anyways to attract them up to you and totally works. But you were just. Oh, my gosh, constantly. It was amazing. [00:30:50] Speaker B: I just have to say, they are so beautiful. So huge. 1400 pounds. I think they were like 8ft across, something like that. [00:31:00] Speaker A: They're just enormous. [00:31:02] Speaker B: And they loop through the ocean with their underbelly exposed. Like, what is that lesson in going through life being a little more vulnerable? People we can trust. We can hold each other enough to just let each other loop backwards through the ocean with your underbelly exposed. Occasionally. That's what you can do with a best friend, too. You can kind of like you were saying, try on a new you when we go to Hawai. Who are you here? Who are you there? But, yeah, anyway, that was really magical. And I guess if you're staying at that hotel that's right there where the lights are shining in, you can see them jumping out of the water in the daytime, which we've got to. Next time. [00:31:40] Speaker A: Next time, we'll just have to. [00:31:42] Speaker B: Next time. Okay. [00:31:43] Speaker A: Yep. And then another fun thing we did. We got to go and experience Disney World, like the ultimate Disney World experience together. That was unforgettable, that one, I think. [00:31:58] Speaker B: My son didn't talk to me for a week. Well, but now we're going back in a week and a half or so, and I know how to do it because I learned so much about how to do Disney World and people, you need to know somebody who knows how to do Disney World because it's huge. There's four humongous parks, and it's really helpful to look on Rob's blog for how to do it because you don't want to waste a dollar or a minute when you're in Disney World. [00:32:30] Speaker A: See? So best friend travel is so much more than just us going and gallivanting. It is us doing the research to benefit our loved ones and those that we will never meet. [00:32:40] Speaker B: We are here for research. [00:32:43] Speaker A: Exactly it. And then one other thing I wanted to just ask a quick thing, actually, we've got two more. And then we need to wrap it up is we've got a whole podcast episode about riding the Rocky Mountaineer together. Because that was pure magic. Luxury train. That was incredible. [00:33:02] Speaker B: Fairmont Hotel helped, too. Wow. [00:33:05] Speaker A: Yeah. I think your favorite thing of that whole thing was, besides the amazing scenery, was the Chateau Lake Louise. That was a highlight. [00:33:13] Speaker B: Remember amenity that was like the Handmade chocolates. [00:33:20] Speaker A: In the shape of Lake Louise with all of that really talented people. But then I just have to call us back to that last trip that we did together in June when you and I got to go and go island hopping in the Florida Keys. That was amazing. [00:33:40] Speaker B: Remember, it was pride. So I got to go and have a fun dance party. Will, you sat there and laughed at me. And maybe I had won too many martinis that night because I was so excited and everything was rainbow and it was so beautiful. [00:33:53] Speaker A: It was a lot going on. It was amazing. [00:33:56] Speaker B: But yeah, no. And that boat charter that we went on was that called catamaran that day. And then there was sharks below us and birds above us, and beautiful boat all to ourselves with one other couple was really lovely way to do it. I'd highly recommend doing it that the keys already has the most relaxed, cool, chill vibe. I love it down there. It's just really low key, and I really enjoyed that. But then put yourself on a sailboat with just a couple other people and snorkeling. You cannot be stressed in the keys. [00:34:37] Speaker A: That was with Key west ecotours. Key west ecotours on the Java cat. That was that specific experience. That was amazing. And we actually got to go out with the same company again to go kayaking. Oh, my gosh. Another super fun, super Cool Florida keys experience. And we need to record an episode about that trip specifically. [00:35:01] Speaker B: Yeah. Because we were in the water. You know me, I love to be a little bit soggy all the time because it means that water a lot. And we were soggy for two straight days with the boat trips, snorkeling trips. [00:35:14] Speaker A: But remember, on that trip specifically, we had eleven different water activities besides swimming pools. [00:35:23] Speaker B: Oh, my God. Pigeon key, parasailing. [00:35:29] Speaker A: Oh, gosh, it was so much fun. [00:35:30] Speaker B: We were the soggy bottom boys on that one. That was great. [00:35:34] Speaker A: Good times. Well, I think we need to wrap this up. I've got more stuff I've got to take care of today. Thank you for coming on another podcast episode. I love getting to chat with you here in addition to real life. And I like that we get to. [00:35:48] Speaker B: Share that we're on the same coast, so we do make it happen from the East Coast. Now, we were on the West coast, but we love to travel and be together. And I just love you so much, honey. I'm so grateful for these adventures that you shared with me, and I look forward to many more. [00:36:05] Speaker A: And don't forget, we get to go to Arizona in like three weeks. [00:36:11] Speaker B: We're starting over again. [00:36:13] Speaker A: Yep, here we go. Well, thanks for listening, everyone. And Kelly, again, thanks for being here. And if you would like to subscribe, go ahead and hit that button wherever you get your podcasts and then check out the [email protected] and give us a follow over on Instagram at two travel Dads. We will talk to you later. [00:36:34] Speaker B: Thanks for listening. [00:36:35] Speaker A: Bye bye. Two Travel Dads Podcast is written and produced by Rob and Chris Taylor in St. Augustine, Florida. Check out past episodes in detailed show [email protected]. Podcast Episodes if you would like to be on two Travel Dads podcast, please send us a note through our website or find out [email protected]. Work.

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